Aged 16 – 26?

Want access to cheap tickets and bar discounts?

Sign up to Park Up!

Park Up members can book up to two £10 tickets and a 10% discount on pizzas and drinks.

How to sign up:

1) Log in or create a new account here

2) In ‘My Account’, enter your date of birth on the Details tab

3) Go to the Other Preferences tab and tick ‘Become a Park Up Member – 16-26’

4) Save your changes and book your tickets!

When booking, tickets will appear as full price until the final payment stage where the discount will be automatically applied.

Please note that £10 tickets are available in Band C & D for Park200*, and for all seats in Park90.

While two discounted tickets are available per performance, only the named booker needs to be aged 16-26.

If you have any access requirements that mean eligible seats are not suitable, please email us at

Park Up Rush

We regularly release £5 rush tickets for limited periods on specific productions. Make sure you’re signed up to receive our emails and follow us on Instagram so you don’t miss out! You can update your contact preferences here.


*Some performances, such as our Whodunnit [Unrehearsed] fundraising shows, are not included. For Park Laughs events with flat pricing, all seats are valid for the Park Up discount.