Park Theatre – Safeguarding Policy

Statement of philosophy and intent

This policy and associated procedures apply to all staff, including senior managers and board of trustees, paid staff and those working on a freelance basis, volunteers and sessional workers, placement students or anyone working on behalf of Park Theatre.

The purpose of this Safeguarding Policy is to:

  • Protect children and adults at risk of harm who access our Creative Engagement programme onsite or in other locations
  • Protect children and adults at risk of harm who visit or work in our building
  • To provide staff and volunteers with the overarching principles that guide our approach to safeguarding.

Park Theatre works with children, young people and adults, some of whom are adults at risk of harm. This work takes place at the theatre, in schools, community, and in healthcare settings. We are committed to safeguarding the people that we work with and promoting their welfare. Park Theatre will work to keep children, young people and adults at risk of harm safe, providing a secure and comfortable environment in which they can benefit fully from our programmes and maximise their potential.

Park Theatre is committed to safeguarding children, young people and adults at risk of harm. To this end:

  • Park Theatre has a nominated Designated Safeguarding Lead, a Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead, and a Designated Safeguarding trustee
  • All staff and volunteers who work on Creative Engagement programmes, and certain public-facing staff roles who may encounter children, young people and adults at risk of harm must produce an original DBS disclosure statement, which is less than two years old
  • Administrative personnel are required to wear Park Theatre lanyards when companies with cast members under 18 are working in the building, so that they are easily identifiable
  • All staff are required, as part of their contractual duties, to identify the need for / carry out / adhere to the necessary Risk Assessments in relation to safeguarding where necessary
  • As part of the recruitment and induction process, all staff members will be provided with the information and training necessary to understand and implement safeguarding guidelines and procedures in their areas of work
  • Hires are permitted to use only the space/s they have hired. If a member of Park Theatre staff is unsure of the purpose of any external client’s visit, then they should ask.
  • Access to spaces is via access codes and key cards

> Click here to read our Safeguarding Policy in full