
Kick off with a Verse is a series of eight weekly 90-minute sessions to support care partners of those living with dementia. It is a space where we use poems to start a conversation about the experiences of being a carer and tap into creative parts of ourselves we may have long forgotten. 

In a session we get grounded and learn different ways to relax. We listen to a poem, noting what comes up for us and share, first in small groups, then in the large group. With guidance, we each find our own words or even just one word to describe our experiences, sharing with others if we choose to. 

Sessions are run in parallel with Together in Time, Park Theatre’s singing sessions for people living with dementia and their carers. Both groups run in the same building at the same time, to allow care partners to access the group. 

Each session is followed by refreshments and time to chat and connect with one another at Park Theatre. 

Who can take part?

Unpaid carers for people living with dementia who are living in Islington or Haringey. 

How To Apply

To express interest in taking part in Kick off with a Verse, please fill the expression of interest form. You can fill out an online form by clicking this link. 

The deadline for expressions of interest is 11am on Monday 23 September. 

Please note that this programme runs for eight continuous weeks. The programme is designed for participants to commit to attending all sessions unless unexpected circumstances limit them from doing so. 

If you have any questions about this programme, or need assistance in expressing interest, please contact our Creative Engagement Manager, Carys Thomas on carys.thomas@parktheatre.co.uk, or call her on 02033720725.