by Jez Bond

The studio is now complete – although it’s only 1/33rd actual size. I added the finishing touches this evening with the addition of a ladder to access the technical gallery. With 90 seats, a generous rake, air conditioning, comfortable fixed seating and an array of technical delights including a show relay system it’s a model studio.

Tomorrow I will begin to create an equally miniature set in order to place it in our studio to get a true idea of the sight lines, entrance and exit positions and stage size. I will re-create a set for a show I directed a few years ago called ‘Risk Everything’. The set is a motel room – and with a double bed, bedside table, old style television, table and chairs, external door and door to en suite bathroom there’s a lot to fit in. That’s why it’s going to be my test set.

Photos to come…. which reminds me that we still haven’t posted any of the entire building model yet, but that’s because Dave wants to complete the ‘dressing’ and we ran out of little people when filling the main house with an audience. Once again we await a delivery of miniature fellows…!

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